Severe winter storms throughout the southeastern U.S.

寒い日が続いていますが、アメリカ南東部でも寒波の影響が出ているようです。amazon.comにて今年、始めての買い物をしたのですが、この休み中、トラッキングしていても、なかなか進まないと見ていたところ、下記のようなコメントが出ました。当初は、明日到着の予定だったのですが、無理でしょうか? 何を買ったかは、到着してから報告します。

FedEx service has been affected by severe winter storms throughout the southeastern U.S. Unavoidable service delays should be expected due to local road conditions and in areas that have issued a state of emergency. Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our employees and contractors. FedEx is committed to providing service to the best of our ability in areas that can be safely accessed and where conditions have improved. We will continue to monitor the situation to minimize the impact on service. Please continue to check for updates.